Chapter 41: Do Babies Eat Sand?

Hey all.  I’m heading to Cuba next month for a little R&R.  Last time I left Canada was 2004, last time on a plane was like 25 years ago, so I’m a bit nervous.  Also I’ll need to post early to keep up the once-a-month routine.Cayo Coco Coco beach in Cuba.

Week 31 – Day 211:

It was a burning hot  Sunday.  Hyperion & Deo are 83, Iris is 79, Europa has 1 days left till she’s a Young Adult, and Gawain & Roche has 4 days until they’re Teens.

Something’s not quite right with Hyperion..

Something’s not quite right with Hyperion..

Hyperion’s still working on his celebrity status.  I have an entire list of celebrities throughout the town and how much befriendship he needs.

Roche has made it his personal goal to booby-trap every toilet, sink, and computer at the local library.

Claude Dent-Wolfe and Raquel Vasquez-Steel are getting married.  At least they’re not related!

Deo performing for Belladonna’s party.

Deo performing for Belladonna’s party.

Somebody spread a rumour that Deo was arrested, and he lost 31 friends!  Seriously now, this isn’t even funny anymore..

Belladonna went low-resolution for a little bit. Belladonna went low-resolution for a little bit.
Belladonna went low-resolution for a little bit.

Editor’s note: I discovered a funny trick with the settings; if the POV is far enough away the Sim uses a lower-resolution model. But then hitting Tab and zooming in lets you take a decent picture of such.

Belladonna’s an Elder.  Europa has to pee.

Belladonna’s an Elder.  Europa has to pee.

Day 212:

Iris started writing her script for “The Sweet Cow of Moscow!”  Also was promoted to Distinguished Director (10), meaning her LTW is finished!  Oh and she got a fancy Director’s chair and a nod for the Simmys.

Most of the Wolfe family having dinner.

Most of the Wolfe family having dinner.

Roche’s been a bad boy! He broke into the Ross home when nobody was around to set traps everywhere.

Europa’s birthday. Europa’s a Young Adult now.  What’s up with the Japanese dress?
Europa’s a Young Adult now.  What’s up with the Japanese dress?

Europa rolled the Light Sleeper trait.  Since she seems to have an aptitude for working with kids, Europa joined the Day Care career as an Amateur Babysitter (1).  There is no LTW for mastering the Daycare career, so her LTW is to become a Master of the Arts.

Editor’s note: I usually find raising the babies in TS3 kindof boring.  1 or 2 at a time is okay, but I feel that multiple children is a daunting task.  If all else fails, Europa might become a painter full-time.

Hyperion and Deo dancing a jig together.

Hyperion and Deo dancing a jig together.

Elliot Hawks wants Disease Prize to play at Waylon’s Haunt again.  Sure, that always works out well. *eyeroll*

Jean Luc Beaumont, the infamous Jean-Luc Picard impersonator, died.

Day 213:

What What!  Europa’s the first member of the Wolfe family to graduate highschool.

What What!  Europa’s the first member of the Wolfe family to graduate highschool.

Europa was her Class Valedictorian and voted “Most Likely to Take Over the World”.  Ahem.  Well, it’s her first day running and operating the new Children Our Are Future Sunshine SmileyFace Rainbow Daycare.  Let’s see, she’s got a kid named Tiana and Zane.  “Sit!  Stay!  Watch TV!”  It went well and she was scored Great twice.

Editor’s note: You have direct control over your Daycare Sim, like the Ambitions’ careers.  You need to ensure the kids are happy, befriended, clean diapered, and sometimes tutored.

Roche called the teacher a “scruffy-looking Llama herder” and got detention.  What a bad boy!

Gawain playing with Piewar.

Gawain playing with Piewar.

Iris started writing “Toe-Tappingly Tragic“. Hyperion got promoted to Supporting Actor (8). Also Shane and Irma named their (sortof-incest) baby Mike.

“I got this one for writing an essay on cross-contamination on writing utensils.” “Dork.”

Gawain: “I got this one for writing an essay on cross-contamination on writing utensils.” Boy: “Dork.”

Gawain decided to throw a slumber party. So many children running around! It becomes a round of musical-beds when they realize there’s nowhere for most of them to sleep.

Day 214:

Oh boy.  Dara Dent-Wolfe and Adan Diwan-Gilbert are committed now.  First Prometheus, then Jamel and Donte, now Adan.  Adan’s not even a real name!! Cummon now!

Another rumour about Deo rummaging through people’s dustbins.  He lost 28 friends, that’s too much now!

Sir Gawain and Roche having breakfast.

Sir Gawain and Roche having breakfast.

Roche and Gawain got on a field trip to the Imagine That! Theater and got a fancy mirror souvenir.

Europa’s given another kid named Deshaun.  “So… what exactly do toddlers like to play with … some Garlic, 5000-year old Nectar, a ghost-box named Tabitha, a Plasma Pack, and an External Harddrive.”

Somehow Deo and Hyperion made it to Waylon’s and performed admirably.

“Did you know you’re less likely to choke on a Taco chip then on a Marshmellow?” “Oh honey, I don’t really care.”

Gawain: “Did you know you’re 31% less likely to choke on a Taco chip than on a Marshmellow?” Belladonna: “Oh honey, I don’t really care.”

Iris penned scripts for “See You in a Thousand Years“, which she dedicated to her long-lost twin brother, and “Whoop, Whoop, Whoop!“, which she dedicated to no one.

Day 215:

The butler Jamel has mysteriously vanished, but is replaced by Butler #2 Liam Contreras.  He’s also got a monocle.

Europa’s got Zane and Deshaun for the day.  “Are kids supposed to eat that much sand?”  Well, that’s a problem for the parents!  She got promoted to Cool Caregiver (2).

Oh no, I can’t believe… “some lady” passed away!

Oh no, I can’t believe… “some lady” passed away!

Boss and personal assistant to most of the adults Rhonda Diwan-Irwin died.

Roche is a Teen. Gawain is also a Teen.  Work that scarf!
Roche and Gawain are Teens. Work that scarf!

Yep, now the twins are Teenagers.  Roche rolled Ambitious (yaa), and Gawain rolled Mooch (meh).

Day 216:

Roche’s still rebelling, with his nose-piercing and his faux-hawk.

Roche’s still rebelling, with his nose-piercing and his faux-hawk.

I signed Gawain up for Shop class and Sports Club, and Roche for Music Club.  Also Roche started snubbing his twin for some reason.

Iris wrote the screenplay for “The Man Who Folded Himself“.

Editor: This is an actual story.  It’s good, I really liked it!

Deo dressed up as Leader of the Free World, for his latest political thriller.

Deo dressed up as Leader of the Free World, for his latest political thriller.

Hyperion’s been trying to track down his girlfriend Kiki Ash to ask her to move in.  She keeps mysteriously disappearing from the town.

Gawain’s been messing around with the Science Lab station and discovers the Stink Juice potion.  After some charity work at the hospital Belladonna’s up to Renowned VIP (4).

Day 217:

It’s all the luxury of a limo, with the greasy food of a vending truck.

It’s all the luxury of a limo, with the greasy food of a vending truck.

Iris started writing “Manticore Horn Handle”, which is apparently a 2-hour commercial for a fantasy knife.

You’re probably wondering what Belladonna’s been up to?  I realized that there’s a Mood Drink which makes Sims learn skills faster, so she’s been spending a lot of time mixing those. And to prevent random visitors from drinking them (and wasting them), I’m hiding them in the sub-basement.  She’s also become master of Mood Drinks.

Editor’s note: For some reason Kiki’s retired, which means she works random hours at the bar or disappeared from the game entirely.  So I changed her career to Angler so she’s always available to hang out.

Hyperion won a free vacation for all the adults, but until he’s finished his LTW I can’t afford to waste a single hour.  Speaking of which, maybe a Celebrity marriage can spruce up his reputation?

Hyperion proposes marriage. Kiki says yes.
Hyperion: “We may not have a long time, but we’ll have a good time.”

Next week: A bit of death, a bit of life, and a new beginning.

Community death count: 316 or so

Legacy Score: 85. (Gen: 5 + LTW: 13 + Portraits: 14 + House: 20 + LTR: 33)

Theme song of the week: “See You in a Thousand Years” by Sleep Maps

It’s Stretch-Dude!  Where’s Clobber-Girl?

It’s Stretch-Dude!  Where’s Clobber-Girl?

About misterwolfe86

Hello! I'm 31, Canadian, proud recipient of two College diplomas and 1 certificate. I'm working as a PSW by night, writing a Sims 3 Legacy Challenge blog by day. View all posts by misterwolfe86

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